Venus Transit 2012


We stayed in our own backyard for the 2012 transit, unfortunately the weather did not cooperate.  We had some plans to try some through the scope imaging, but clouds simply would not clear.  We had a very quick look at the first moments of 1st contact.  Can you see Venus nibbling away at the solar disk?  (Please click on image for full size).  Members of OVAS setup varying white filtered light and hydrogen alpha filtered light solar scopes at the observatory and near the High School football field.  But the clouds simply thickended moments after 1st contact.  

Here is Brent Maynard in the dome with the C14 imaging through a white light solar filter.  He captured a very nice nibble of Venus from the solar disk.  All images are clickable for larger versions.  




Rodger Blake with his arsenal of solar scopes and demonstrating his video gear.  It was great to see Rodger again with all of his astro-toys!




Here is my setup for the event with the Astro-Physics 130EDF and Mach1 mount with Canon 5DMKII camera.  It is always nice to give these special events a real-go effort even though the weather didn't cooperate.  We are ready for the next one in 2117!