Cygnus in hydrogen alpha wavelength
Cygnus in hydrogen alpha wavelength
M8 Lagoon Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha from Deerlick Astronomy Village 2021
M8 Lagoon Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha from Deerlick Astronomy Village 2021
Rosette Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha light
Rosette Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha light
Starless Starqueen-M16 in Ha from Deerlick Astronomy Village 2021
Starless Starqueen-M16 in Ha from Deerlick Astronomy Village 2021
Sh2-155 Cave Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha light
Sh2-155 Cave Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha light
Gamma Cyg Nebula IC1318
Gamma Cyg Nebula IC1318
 The Needle Galaxy: NGC4565

The Needle Galaxy: NGC4565

IC 443 Region in Hydrogen Alpha
IC 443 Region in Hydrogen Alpha
Xi Persei ionized gas cloud (California Nebula). see Astrobin link for details
Xi Persei ionized gas cloud (California Nebula). see Astrobin link for details
Clouds of Monoceros
Clouds of Monoceros
Sh2-171 with Cederblad 214 and NGC 7822 (Starless)
Sh2-171 with Cederblad 214 and NGC 7822 (Starless)
IC 1848 Hydrogen Alpha black and white presentation
IC 1848 Hydrogen Alpha black and white presentation
The Great Eta Carinae Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha from Australia
The Great Eta Carinae Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha from Australia

iTelescope remote telescope capture from Australia. 90 minutes total exposure time.

Cone Nebula in H-Alpha
Cone Nebula in H-Alpha
Cave Nebula: Sh2-155 in Hydrogen Alpha light
Cave Nebula: Sh2-155 in Hydrogen Alpha light
Gamma Cygnus or Sadr Nebulosity
Gamma Cygnus or Sadr Nebulosity

The nebulosity around Gamma Cygnus, the central star in the northern cross. 


California Nebula
California Nebula

The California nebula (NGC 1499) in the constellation Perseus. 

Barnard's Loop in Orion
Barnard's Loop in Orion

The great loop of nebulosity surrounds the Orion constellation.  The Horsehead and Orion Nebulae are visible from center to bottom right. 


The Great Orion Nebula and Running Man Nebula
The Great Orion Nebula and Running Man Nebula

H-alpha with ST10/TV101 from 2003.

North America and Pelican Nebulae in Cygnus
North America and Pelican Nebulae in Cygnus

A multiframe mosaic of CCD images constructed to present the vast nebulosity within the constellation Cygnus just off of the star Deneb. 

Horsehead and Flame Nebulae in Orion Constellation
Horsehead and Flame Nebulae in Orion Constellation

A combination of 24 images at 5 minutes each taken with the Takahashi 85 FSQ and focal reducer with the modified Canon 450D.  Imaged from the Donald C. Martin Observatory in Huntington on the Astro-Physics 1200 mount. 

With Head Nebula
With Head Nebula

The Witch Head nebula looks upon Rigel in the Orion constellation.  Taken at WSP with AP130.  BW conversion from Canon DSLR capture.  

Rosette Nebula (NGC 2239)
Rosette Nebula (NGC 2239)

A hydrogen alpha filtered image taken with ST10 camera.

Horsehead and Flame Nebula
Horsehead and Flame Nebula

Image capture from 2002 MASP with TV101 and ST10e

NGC 281 Pacman Nebula
NGC 281 Pacman Nebula

Image acquired with ST10e from backyard through Astro-Physics 130EDT.

NGC 6992 Veil Network Nebula
NGC 6992 Veil Network Nebula

Image acquired with AP130f6 and ST10e camera from bachyard. 6x30 minutes.

Crescent Nebula
Crescent Nebula

Image acquired in 2003 with Astro-Physics Traveler and ST10xe camera.

Cirrus Nebula
Cirrus Nebula

Image acquired with AP130 f6 in 2002 with ST10xe camera. 8x15 minute exposures.

IC 1396 in Cepheus
IC 1396 in Cepheus

Image acquired in 2002 with Televue 101 and ST10e camera

Cygnus in hydrogen alpha wavelength
M8 Lagoon Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha from Deerlick Astronomy Village 2021
Rosette Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha light
Starless Starqueen-M16 in Ha from Deerlick Astronomy Village 2021
Sh2-155 Cave Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha light
Gamma Cyg Nebula IC1318
 The Needle Galaxy: NGC4565
IC 443 Region in Hydrogen Alpha
Xi Persei ionized gas cloud (California Nebula). see Astrobin link for details
Clouds of Monoceros
Sh2-171 with Cederblad 214 and NGC 7822 (Starless)
IC 1848 Hydrogen Alpha black and white presentation
The Great Eta Carinae Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha from Australia
Cone Nebula in H-Alpha
Cave Nebula: Sh2-155 in Hydrogen Alpha light
Gamma Cygnus or Sadr Nebulosity
California Nebula
Barnard's Loop in Orion
The Great Orion Nebula and Running Man Nebula
North America and Pelican Nebulae in Cygnus
Horsehead and Flame Nebulae in Orion Constellation
With Head Nebula
Rosette Nebula (NGC 2239)
Horsehead and Flame Nebula
NGC 281 Pacman Nebula
NGC 6992 Veil Network Nebula
Crescent Nebula
Cirrus Nebula
IC 1396 in Cepheus
Cygnus in hydrogen alpha wavelength
M8 Lagoon Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha from Deerlick Astronomy Village 2021
Rosette Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha light
Starless Starqueen-M16 in Ha from Deerlick Astronomy Village 2021
Sh2-155 Cave Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha light
Gamma Cyg Nebula IC1318

The Needle Galaxy: NGC4565

IC 443 Region in Hydrogen Alpha
Xi Persei ionized gas cloud (California Nebula). see Astrobin link for details
Clouds of Monoceros
Sh2-171 with Cederblad 214 and NGC 7822 (Starless)
IC 1848 Hydrogen Alpha black and white presentation
The Great Eta Carinae Nebula in Hydrogen Alpha from Australia

iTelescope remote telescope capture from Australia. 90 minutes total exposure time.

Cone Nebula in H-Alpha
Cave Nebula: Sh2-155 in Hydrogen Alpha light
Gamma Cygnus or Sadr Nebulosity

The nebulosity around Gamma Cygnus, the central star in the northern cross. 


California Nebula

The California nebula (NGC 1499) in the constellation Perseus. 

Barnard's Loop in Orion

The great loop of nebulosity surrounds the Orion constellation.  The Horsehead and Orion Nebulae are visible from center to bottom right. 


The Great Orion Nebula and Running Man Nebula

H-alpha with ST10/TV101 from 2003.

North America and Pelican Nebulae in Cygnus

A multiframe mosaic of CCD images constructed to present the vast nebulosity within the constellation Cygnus just off of the star Deneb. 

Horsehead and Flame Nebulae in Orion Constellation

A combination of 24 images at 5 minutes each taken with the Takahashi 85 FSQ and focal reducer with the modified Canon 450D.  Imaged from the Donald C. Martin Observatory in Huntington on the Astro-Physics 1200 mount. 

With Head Nebula

The Witch Head nebula looks upon Rigel in the Orion constellation.  Taken at WSP with AP130.  BW conversion from Canon DSLR capture.  

Rosette Nebula (NGC 2239)

A hydrogen alpha filtered image taken with ST10 camera.

Horsehead and Flame Nebula

Image capture from 2002 MASP with TV101 and ST10e

NGC 281 Pacman Nebula

Image acquired with ST10e from backyard through Astro-Physics 130EDT.

NGC 6992 Veil Network Nebula

Image acquired with AP130f6 and ST10e camera from bachyard. 6x30 minutes.

Crescent Nebula

Image acquired in 2003 with Astro-Physics Traveler and ST10xe camera.

Cirrus Nebula

Image acquired with AP130 f6 in 2002 with ST10xe camera. 8x15 minute exposures.

IC 1396 in Cepheus

Image acquired in 2002 with Televue 101 and ST10e camera

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